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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Changes to the Twitter Playlist


I keep trying to do a blog entry, even full daily playlists, and life keeps getting in the way.

I have this little ball of noise with dirt on it. I call it my child. He's two, and he is into everything. He's a climber, an explorer, highly vocal and needs constant stimulation and supervision. If not, he gets bored and a bored, adventurous toddler with no fear of anything is a bad, bad thing. Not to say he's a bad kid; it's just bad things happen if he is left to his own devices.

We're talking less than two minutes, and he can be up on the very top of the high bookshelves in the living room. He hasn't yet learned that gravity is a harsh mistress, and unless I want him to learn the hard way, I have to stay in the room with him at all times. Needless to say, it gets a bit difficult to step away to the computer for the time needed to gather songs, post them all to Twitter randomly through the day, and blog it each night.

I've thought about going with Grooveshark's pro service for the tablet, but at $9 a month right now, it doesn't seem likely. More followers would make me rethink that, but for now, the two of you who do pay attention are going to have to suffer (delight in?) my inability to annoy you round the clock on Twitter.

For that reason, I am changing up the Twitter Playlist. It used to be a daily thing, with 3-10 songs posted through the day and a full playlist posted here that night or the next day. Now it will be weekly, with one or two songs posted during the day, and a big week ending playlist will be posted here. There will still be themes, and I still take song requests (thetwitterplaylist @ But until I either A) find extra money to get Grooveshark's paid mobile app, or B) find a way to distract a toddler for more than 30 minutes that doesn't require the use of a fire extinguisher afterwards, the playlist will now be a weekly random thing.

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